Teachers Training Program


Teachers Training Program
(Male & Female)

It is a regular function of Jamiat-e-Ta’leem-ul-Quran to arrange Teacher Training Courses not only for subject training and professional development of its existing teachers but also for the new prospective teachers of basic Quranic education. Through this system of training courses, thousands of new teachers are being trained every year. JTQ pays special attention to the results of these training programs. External expert advice is also being used as much as possible to analyze the results.

To make the teacher training program more modern comprehensive and effective, its curriculum is being further improved. In addition to teacher training of Tajweed and fees, subjects such as educational psychology, Aqeeda and ethics, and Practical training are being included in the curriculum so that our trained teachers do not lag behind in classroom teaching and educational guidance of students and be able to teach effectively, not only in Quranic Makatib as well as in schools and colleges.

Alhamdulillah, Teachers certified by the Trust Jamiat-e-Ta’leem-ul-Quran are considered authoritative for Nazra Talim-ul-Quran, and these teachers are producing excellent results where they are. That is why religious educational institutions and schools across the country recommend JTQ-trained teachers for basic Quranic education.

The above programs are being now offered online. Click to Register

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